Lidia Bocanegra joins the Open Science Ambassador Network to promote open science and citizen collaboration from the University of Granada.
The Open Science Ambassador Network, through the European University Alliance, has accepted our colleague Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho, professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Granada, as an expert member in Open Science.
Lidia’s academic career has been dedicated to the inclusion of digital tools and new research methods based on co-creation and citizen participation in historical studies. Her research projects have a strong collective component, supporting collaboration beyond participatory methodology, with an emphasis on open distribution of knowledge. At UCHASS, we have followed her scientific work through projects such as: Análisis de la Participación Pública en la investigación histórica desde el ámbito de la ciencia ciudadana (Co-Historia) and Crowdsourcing en Historia. Nuevos retos metodológicos participativos e inclusivos en la investigación histórica en España

With her addition, she becomes the third representative from UGR in this organization, which works closely with researchers and universities to make knowledge accessible. Thanks to this democratic vision, the network not only strengthens the transparency and accessibility of scientific knowledge but also promotes cooperation across diverse fields of study, facilitating more inclusive and participatory research. We look forward to seeing these goals achieved with the participation of our representative!