Victoria Di Césare


PhD Candidate at University of Granada


Victoria Di Césare is a PhD student at the University of Granada. She currently enjoys a FPI grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and is a member of the EC3 Research Group and the COMPARE Project. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Science by the National University of Mar del Plata and is finishing her master’s degree in Science, Technology and Society at the National University of Quilmes. Her working experience includes 7+ years of assistant teaching at graduate level and researching as an intern in public universities from Argentina. Her academic interests include scientometrics and social studies of science because they enable the theoretical and empirical characterization of science as a social activity, especially in relation to Global North-Global South patterns in science international division of labor.

Scientific programmes

The EC3 Research Group (Quantitative Studies of Scientific Communication) aims at understanding and improving the evaluation processes of science and […]


Investigadores principales
Agencia financiadora
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
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